We are now in the middle of October, which means Halloween will be here before you know it. I look forward to this every time October rolls around. I constantly play Monster Mash and sing along. Definitely the best Halloweeny song ever. Love it. Then of course there are all of the Halloween treats that we make and buy. But my favorite part is the costumes. I just love seeing everyone dressed up and being surprised by what they might have chosen. This year I am going to be Alice in Wonderland.
Tracy and I are also planning a Halloween party again this year. We need to finalize the menu this weekend and make sure we have all the ingredients on hand in the upcoming days, because we are both very busy at work this year. What do you suggest we have? Last year was our first ever Halloween party and it was such a blast that we wanted to throw another one this year. Family and friends have been invited and I am very much looking forward to all of the fun that we will have together. Have you ever thrown a Halloween party? I'm so excited to see what costumes everyone will choose.
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awesome pumpkin
Oh no!! I can't find the comment box.. will just have to post my comment as a response to Amy's fashion blog lol. I would LOVE to see your halloween menu!!! Please share with us :D